A Study on the Restructure of Multi-Platform Databases for MIRAS

메타 정보검색 에이전트 시스템을 위한 다중플랫폼의 데이터베이스 재구조화에 관한 연구

  • Published : 2003.03.31


It is important to retrieve information that a user requires on the web. The web is an open system. The amount of information is increasing rapidly. While each of information was compiled into the database piece at a single platform in the past, it is now compiled into complicated structure at a multi-platform. Restructuring the multi-platform database is needed to efficiently retrieve information. MIRAS(Meta Information Retrieval Agent System) has a multi-platform database on web. This study applies the classification of the existent site's categories to restructure the database systematically. The empirical analysis shows that the suggested method is effective for information retrieval and multi-platform database restructuring. This study helps users to save on time-cost of searching information.



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