정보화 비용/이익 분석요인에 대한 인식도 연구

Perception in IT Investment Cost/Benefit Analysis

  • 발행 : 2003.06.30


This study was conducted to analyze Korean companie's perception in IT investment cost-benefit analysis(CBA), and to see if various user group's perception is different. Literature was reviewed to classify and define variables in IT CBA, and questionnaire was distributed to CEOs, CIOs, IT managers, and general managers in Korean companies. Respondent's priority ranking in IT CBA was shown to be tangible benefit, direct cost/intangible benefit, and indirect cost/risk. Data analysis showed that Korean companie's actual practice in CBA was generally aligned with their perception. User group's(Executives vs. mangers, and IT managers vs. general managers) perception was not shown to be statistically different. Survey result also showed that IT CBA was not well practiced in the companies although respondents perceive the analysis very important. These findings suggest that more education and practical experience is needed for Korean companies to perform IT CBA.



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