가상조직 참여자 간의 기술특성, 조직평판과 대인신뢰에 대한 지각과 조직 효율성

Skill Uniqueness, Organizational Reputation and Interpersonal Trust between Virtual Organizations Participants and Organizational Efficiency

  • 발행 : 2003.09.30


Facing competitive and complicated business environment, many companies are developing new and diverse organization forms not only to overcome to minimize costs and risks but also to maximize the efficiency of an organization. Virtual organization is one of the representative forms allowing firms to create this value though a link of core competency among firms. In order to explain the performance of virtual organization in terms of efficiency, this study utilizes a concept of trust since it is recently considered as one of core concept to enhance the cooperative performance between firms and also virtual organizations success or failure can not be properly explained by traditional transaction-cost based economic point of view. Based on previous literature this study derives three success factors, organizational reputation, skill Uniqueness, and interpersonal trust and studies how three factors influence on the efficiency of virtual organization. Findings conducted with a questionnaire survey are as follow: first, organization reputation and skill uniqueness between virtual organization's transaction parties are important elements in the success of virtual organization. Second, interpersonal trust affected by organization reputation and skill uniqueness decides virtual organization's efficiency.



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