국내 기업의 인트라넷 수용특성에 관한 실증적 연구

An Empirical Study on Factors Influencing the Acceptance of Intranet in Korean Companies

  • 발행 : 2003.12.31


Individual adoption and sustained usage of information technology(IT) are crucial prerequisites for exploiting IT as integral components of organizational work. Previous studies on technology adoption in workplace suggest that acceptance behavior is influenced by a variety of factors such as individual differences, social influences, beliefs, attitudes, and situational influences. In this paper, we introduce a research model to predict the usage behavior of intranet in workplace and also explain the causal relationships among variables. Based on the survey of 333 intranet users, this study uses structural equation model with LISREL 8.12. This study suggests several major results from surveys and analysis from them. Perceived use is influenced by intranet experience, task equivocality, organizational support, and perceived ease of use, Experience and organizational support determine perceived ease of use. Task equivocality, task interdependence, and organizational support have positive effects on subjective norm. On the other hand, present usage, which is a dependent variable in this model, is influenced by perceived use, experience, task interdependence, and organizational support.



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