Online Hedonic-Experiential Value in Internet Shopping: Antecedents and Consequences

온라인 쇼핑에서 헤도닉-경험가치(Hedonic-Experiential Value): 영향변수와 결과변수

  • 박철 (고려대학교 경영정보학과)
  • Published : 2003.12.31


Shopping is a work and fun for a consumer. Retailers satisfy social and physiological needs through various experiences as well as economic and rational. Do offer online shopping malls fun and hedonic experiences that offline retailers do? This study applied the hedonic-experiential value relating to the consumption dimension of fun and excitement to online shopping. Especially, a model of online hedonic-experiential value, consisted of its antecedents and consequences, was developed and identified through a survey(n=436). As the result, graphic & multi-media, site structure & design, customer services, payment, individualization, product assortment & display, interactivity, dynamic pricing factors influence online hedonic-experiential value. Also, online hedonic-experiential value significantly related to revisiting, purchasing, and word-of mouth intention of the shopping site. The implications for online retailer are discussed and further research is suggested.



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