삶의 공간으로서의 웹 사이트에 대한 평가 체계

A Comprehensive Evaluation Framework of Web Sites as Living Places in Cyber Space

  • 발행 : 2003.12.31


With a swift development of information technology, web sites get more important roles as user's living places. This quantitative and qualitative expansion of web sites requires the need for an evaluation framework of web sites from comprehensive perspectives. This study proposes two dimensions for web site categorization and three dimensions for web site evaluation. These dimensions were developed based on the architectural perspectives that have been used to evaluate buildings in the real world for more than a thousand years. First, in order to categorize various web sites, we extracted two dimensions, user's goals and user's behaviors from behavioral architect which approaches user's behaviors in designing buildings. Second, in order to evaluate four web sites groups, we suggested three dimensions, which are firmness, commodity, delight used in evaluating buildings in the real world. Then for each of the four different web sites groups an empirical survey was conducted to verify these three dimensions of architectural metrics. This ends with study implications and limitations.



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