Seasonal Variation Estimation of Inflow Pollutant Loads of Yeong-il Bay by using Tank Model

Tank모델에 의한 영일만 유입오염부하량의 계절변동 예측

  • Published : 2003.08.01


This study investigated about the seasonal variation of pollutant loads flowing into the Yeong-il bay from constructing Tank model which is the simulation model to evaluate the daily river discharge and pollutant load in the Hyeong-san river watershed. The estimated annual average river discharge of Hyeong-san river flowing into Yeong-il bay is about 878.34×10/sup 6/㎥/year which is about 73% of annual average of total precipitation in Hyeong-san river watershed. The annual average of pollutant load flowing into Yeong-il bay was estimated each 15.11 ton-COD/year, 23.24 ton-SS/year, 10.65 ton-TN/year, and 0.54 ton-Tp/year. For the seasonal variation of pollutant loads, it was tended as increasing of river discharge as increasing of inflow pollutant loads at June and July of summer and October of autumn. The main source of pollutant loads was found to be the Pohang city and Pohang industrial complex which are located near the mouth of Hyeong-san river. Therefore, for effective water quality management of Yeong-il bay, the counterplan to reduce pollutant loads from the main source of pollutant loads is required.

형산강 유역의 일별 하천유량과 오염부하량을 산정하기 위한 유역유출모형(강우-유출모형)인 Tank 모델을 구축하여 영일만으로 유입하는 오염부하량의 계절별 변동특성에 대해 검토하였다. 산정된 영일만으로 유입되는 형산강의 연평균 하천유량은 878.34×10/sup 6/㎥/year로 형산강 유역면적내 연평균 총강우량의 약 73%로 나타났다. 영일만내 유입되는 연평균 오염부하량은 각각 15.11 ton-COD/year, 23.24 ton-SS/year, 10.65 ton-TN/year, 0.54 ton-Tp/year로 산정되었다 또한 계절별 변동특성으로 하천유량이 증가하는 하계 6~7월과 춘계 10월에 유입오염부하량도 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 영일만내로 유입하는 주된 오염부하원은 형산강 하구인근에 위치한 포항시와 포항공단인 것으로 밝혀졌다. 따라서 영일만의 효율적인 수질관리를 위해서는 오염부하원으로부터의 오염부하량 저감대책수립이 요구된다.
