한국산 녹조식물 해캄속(SPIROGYRA)의 수리표현학

Numerical Phenetics of the Genus Spirogyra (Zygnematales, Chlorophyta) in Korea


The morphotaxonomic characters of the genus Spirogyra were investigated to clarify their taxonomic category and the variation range among species on the basis of comparative morphological and numerical analyses by unialgal cultures and field samples collected from various freshwater habitats in Korea. 25 characters selected on morphological feature of the species were examined on 568 individuals for morphological comparisons and numerical analyses. Width, length and their length/width ratio of vegetative cell, shape of septum, chloroplast number, maximum width, width, length and their length/width ratio of female gametangium, length of male gametangium, size and shape of zygospore, and cell wall ornamentation of the spore showed a comparatively high vector in principal component analysis. In cluster analysis, 15 taxa analysed were divided into 8 major groups by the average taxonomic distance 1.0 level. Considering the morphology and numerical analysis, Spirogyra crassoidea could not be recognized as an independent species, therefore it was treated as a variety of S. ellipsospora. S. koreana (nom. invalidum), recognized as a new taxon, is under the investigation for its clear taxonomic category.



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