The Possibility of Science Education Using the History of Korean Science

한국과학사 자료를 이용한 과학교육의 가능성

  • Lee, Myon-U (Chuncheon National University of Education)
  • Published : 2003.08.01


Science has developed along with human society and history. In today's society ruled by pluralism, an educational approach using the historical materials which represent their own cultures will make science education more effective. The purpose of this study was to search for the meaning of science education related with a history of science, and to suggest the possibility for science education based on Korean history of science. The conclusions of this study is below: (1) The history of science is useful to teaching science in K-12 setting. That is because it was helpful to make a scientific concept and to invite student's interest about learning science. Moreover, it was most suitable to teach the nature of science as well as the relation between science and society. (2) A model which consists of 15 types of science education materials using Korean history was suggested. This model plays a potential role as a R&D framework of developing teaching & learning materials based on the history of Korean Science.
