초인지 수업 모형이 자기장 개념 형성에 미치는 효과

The Effectiveness of Metacognitive Instruction Models on the Acquisition of Magnetic Field Concepts

  • 발행 : 2003.08.01


The objective of this research was to study the impact of metacognitive lesson models on the formation of magnetic field concepts. The subjects of this research was eighty students from two sixth grade classes. One class of forty of these students was the experimental group, which the metacognitive strategic lesson model was applied, and the other class of forty students was the control group which the traditional lessons were conducted. As the result of the experiment, the experimental group and the control group, which previously did not show difference in terms of achievement of conceptualizing magnetic field, displayed a significant difference. According to the comparison between the pre-experiment test on the students' previous concepts and the achievement of the students after the experiment, the middle group showed difference between the experimental group and the control group in a small degree. The lower group showed a notable difference between the two groups and the higher group showed no difference. In terms of achievements shown in different questions asked, there was little difference in the questions that were stated in the textbook while there was a significant difference in the questions that applied the contents of the textbook. The higher academic group, according to the test on the previous concepts, did not show much difference between the experimental group and the control group when they were asked about the concepts of the textbook. In terms of the comparison in the metacognitive levels, both the higher and lower metacognitive experimental groups' average grade was higher than the control groups' and showed an important statistical difference.
