한국환경교육학회지:환경교육 (Hwankyungkyoyuk)
- 제16권2호
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- Pages.51-64
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- 2003
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- 1225-1259(pISSN)
환경가치교육을 위한 모듈식 프로그램 개발
The Development of Modular Program for Environmental Values Education
- Park, Mie-Jeong (Graduate School, KNUE) ;
- Choi, Byung-Mo (Korea National University of Education)
- 발행 : 2003.12.01
The ultimate objective of environmental education is to develop characteristics of the affective domain being the basis for environmental behavior. As this need, the researchers developed a modular program for environmental values education suited elementary school's actuality. In practice of program development, researchers analyzed the contents of environmental education in current curriculum. Researchers set up development principles of modular program according to the level of elementary moral development. The system of this modular program consists of three levels like environmental awareness, environmental literacy, environmental responsibility, and each module is made up of three subjects representing these levels. So this modular program is classified with three level's modular group like low grade, center grade, and high grade. And set in array after selecting value strategies suited each grade level. The expectant effects of this program for environmental values education are as follows: Students form sound environmental values and attitudes for environment through various strategies that develop environmental awareness and environmental literacy. And those strategies provides various experiences to construct knowledge, value, and attitude about environment by oneself working together with teacher. So teacher and students can utilize easily at school or in nature. Besides, since it relates with single environmental problem from awareness to participation about environment, teachers can conduct elementary environmental curriculum more systematically and effectively.