A Study on the Quality of Life, Self-Efficacy and Family Support of Stroke Patients in Oriental Medicine Hospitals

한방병원 뇌졸중환자의 삶의 질과 자기효능감, 가족지지와의 관계 연구

  • Published : 2003.03.01


The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between quality of life, self-efficacy and family support of stroke patients in Oriental medicine hospitals. The subjects of this study were 211 hospitalized stroke patients in seven oriental medicine hospitals in the Busan Metropolitan, Gyeongsangnam-do and Gyeongsanbuk-do area. Data was collected through questionnaires from June 1st, 2002 to September 30th, 2002. 1) The relationship between general characteristics and other variables showed significant differences as follows : for general self-efficacy degree, age, occupation, and level of education ; for family support, level of education and occupation ; for quality of life, level of education, occupation, religion, and monthly income. 2) The relationship between disease-related characteristics and other variables showed significant differences as follows ; for general self-efficacy, level of paralysis, and periods of hospitalization ; for specific character of paralysis, level of paralysis, and periods of hospitalization ; for family support, care-giver, character of paralysis, level of paralysis, and periods of hospitalization related; for quality of life, level of paralysis, and periods of hospitalization. 3) There was a significant correlation between the quality of life and general self-efficacy, the quality of life and the specific self-efficacy, the specific self-efficacy and family support.



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