An Evaluation Model for Human Attributes of Industrial Accidents

인적 요인을 중심으로 하는 산업재해 평가 모델에 대한 연구

  • Published : 2003.12.01


The intensity of industrial accidents has been increased while the number of industrial accidents has been decreased in theses days. It represents that we need safety guidelines based on personal attributes as well as physical attributes. This study tries to identify major causative factors for industrial accidents and to suggest an evaluation model based on personal attributes. Specifically, relationship between self-efficacy belief associated with industrial safety and other relative personal attributes has been analyzed. First, FGI(Focus Group Interview) was conducted to identify important personal attributes of industrial accidents. The questionnaire was prepared based on the results of FGI and was applied to identifying personal attributes. The relationship between personal attributes identified in this study and self-efficacy belief was assessed using fuzzy logic and fault tree analysis. The results of the assessment showed that self-efficacy belief was closely associated with industrial accidents. Specifically, workers with accident experience had higher level of self-efficacy beliefs than workers without accident experience.



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