Efficient Macro Mobility Management for GPRS IP Networks

  • Choi, Seong-Gon (Information and Communications University(ICU)) ;
  • Mukhtar, Rami (ARC Special Research Centre for Ultra Broadband Information Networks (CUBIN), Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Univ. of Melbourne) ;
  • Choi, Jun-Kyun (Information and Communications University(ICU)) ;
  • Zukerman, Moshe (CUBIN, Dept of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Melbourne)
  • 발행 : 2003.03.01


Mobile IP has several inefficiencies, and was not originally designed for situations where both peers are highly mobile. We present a mobility management solution that retains compatibility with existing Internet protocols, whilst increasing the efficiency of communications between two GPRS mobile hosts. Our proposal eradicates triangle routing and minimizes handover latency. We show by numerical analysis that the routing optimization improves the performance of TCP controlled data flows, reducing buffering requirements and minimizing the recovery time after a handover occurs.



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