LBS를 위한 측위 기술의 흐름

  • 이해성 (엘지텔레콤 서비스개발실 데이터플랫폼개발팀)
  • Published : 2003.04.01




  1. 3GPP2, 'Position Determination Service Standard for Dual Mode SpreadSpectrum Systerms(3GPP2 C.S0022-0-1)'
  2. 3GPP2, ' Location-Based Services System(LBSS) Stagel Description(3GPP2 S.R0019)'
  3. TIA/EIA, 'Enhanced Wireless 9-1-1Phase 2, J-STD-036-A(Ba11ot)'
  4. TIA/EIA, 'Location Service Enhancement PN-4747'
  5. 3GPP, 'Liaison to T1P1.5 on Location Services, TSGS1#1(99)204'
  6. 3GPP, 'Report on Location ServicesDiscussion, TSGS1#1 (99)205'
  7. 3GPP, 'Report on Location Services(LCS)'
  8. 3GPP, 'Overview of 2G LCS Technologies and Standards, LCS010019'
  9. 3GPP2, 'Network Reference Model for cdma2000 Spread Spectrum Systems(3GPP2 S.R0005-A)'
  10. Kris Anne Monteith. 'Wireless E911:Regu1atory Framework, Current Status.and Beyond'
  11. GPS World, 'E911 Study on AGPS Cites Captive CDMA Market, SlamsTDOA 2003-03'