An Empirical Indoor Path Loss Model for Ultra-Wideband Channels

  • Published : 2003.12.01


We present a statistical model for the path loss of ultrawideband (UWB) channels in indoor environments. In contrast to our previously reported measurements, the data reported here are for a bandwidth of 6GHz rather than 1.25GHz; they encompass commercial buildings in addition to single-family homes (20 of each); and local spatial averaging is included. As before, the center frequency is 5.0GHz. Separate models are given for commercial and residential environments and, within each category, for lineof sight (LOS) and non-line-of-sight (NLS) paths. All four models have the same mathematical structure, differing only in their numerical parameters. The two new models (LOS and NLS) for residences closely match those derived from the previous measurements, thus affirming the stability of our path loss modeling. We find, also, that the path loss statistics for the two categories of buildings are quite similar.



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