창의성, 개성, 동조성에 따른 고교생의 의복행동 연구

A Study on the Clothing Behavior of High School Students in terms of Creativity, Individuality and Conformity

  • 이선경 (서남대학교 패션디자인학과) ;
  • 정준교 (서남대학교 사회과학부)
  • 발행 : 2003.01.01


This study examined the clothing behavior in terms of creativity, individuality and conformity. The subjects were 317 boys(mean age: 18) and 312 girls(mean age: 18) in third grade of high school, in which were situated at north and south part of Han-River in Seoul. They were administered with the following questionnaires to measure the attitudinal and behavioral conformity, creativity, individuality, clothing conformity, clothing nonconformity, clothing confidence, aesthetic sense, clothing importance, fashionability. Results indicated that (1) high school students who have high creativity showed higher scores in clothing nonconformity, clothing confidence, aesthetic sense, clothing importance than those who have low creativity. But there were no significant differences between two groups in clothing conformity and fashionability(p<0.001). (2) High school students who have high individuality showed higher scores in clothing conformity clothing, nonconformity, clothing confidence, aesthetic sense, clothing importance and fashionability than those who have low individuality(p<0.001). (3) Students who have low attitudinal conformity showed higher scores in clothing nonconformity, clothing confidence and aesthetic sense(p<0.001) and lower score in information and norm specific clothing confirmity(p<0.05) than those who have high attitudinal conformity. And those who have high behavioral conformity showed higher score in clothing confirmity than those who have low behavioral confirmity(p<0.05). From these findings, we could find that the importance of creativity and individuality was greater than that of conformity in clothing behavior. These results were discussed and following studies were suggested.



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