환경친화.자원절약형 농촌마을 계획기술 및 배치모델 연구

The Planning Techniques and Layout Models of Sustainable Rural Villages

  • 발행 : 2003.02.25


This study intends to select the planning techniques and develop the layouts of environmentally friendly rural villages. As the results of this study, the planning techniques of rural villages are as follows: (1) Development of agricultural technology(organic farming), (2) Environmentally friendly layout considering natural energy, conservation of natural landscape and ecosystem, and sewage and rainwater, (3) Community restoration considering joint work, economic interchange between urban people and rural residents, and unity of rural resident's opinion, and (4) Activation of rural tourism considering satisfaction of tourists, conservation of ecological and cultural resources, and resident's income increasement. According to these 4 techniques, this study also developed 4 general models: (1) land-use and flow, (2) green and blue networks, (3) networks of ecological and cultural resources, and (4) finally residential model, divided rural villages into 2 types. Therefore when we develop a countryside, we can apply to these models, considering the current ecological and cultural resources conditions.



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