농산물의 브랜드와 포장디자인에 관한 연구 - 당진군의 사례연구 -

A Study on Brand and Packing Design of Agricultural Products - A Case Study in Dangjin County -

  • 발행 : 2003.11.25


This study was carried out in order to develop brand and packing design for agricultural products of Dangjin County. Current packing designs such as rice packs, cucumber box, sweet potato box, apple box and kimchi pack were collected from agricultural cooperatives in Dangjin area. For those packing designs, corporate identity(CI) clinic was conducted and the results obtained were as follows: There are varieties of names, colors, fonts, and sizes far the same items, so that consumers could not easily find and understand those CIs of agricultural products in Dangjin County. Among others, those packages are needed CI clinic such as the packages of Dangjin apple(Song-ak Agricultural Cooperative), Dangjin sweet potato(Seok-moon A. C.) and rice(Daehoji A. C., Shinpyeong A. C.). However, the packing design of Hyang-chae-bang Kimchi is evaluated as good design. For CI clinic, it is desirable to develop unique and united brand name and simple design for the packages such as the case of 'Anseong-Matzum' of Anseong City, which is unique and united brand name with simple design enhancing synergy effect for agricultural marketing.



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