A Study on the Social and Economic Aspects of Environmental Impact Assessment in Small Scale Rural Development Projects

소규모 농촌개발사업의 사회.경제 부문 환경영향평가 방안 연구

  • 홍찬선 (농업기반공사 농어촌연구원) ;
  • 임상봉 (농업기반공사 농어촌연구원)
  • Published : 2003.11.25


The objectives of the study are to improve techniques for social impact assessment and to suggest their measuring methods to apply in small scale rural development projects. Population, residence, industries, and traffic volumes were selected to measure the social and economic impact assessment of Seongeup agricultural water development project in Jeju Province. Existing data gathering methods were used to estimate the changes of population and traffic volumes. Interview schedule for villagers was applied to estimate the residents' satisfaction to living environments. Interview schedule for experts was applied to estimate agricultural productivity and land price. The results of social and economic impact assessment show that there will be considerable changes in living environments, agricultural productivity, and land price. On the contrary, the project will make little impacts on the changes of population, em-ployment, and traffic volumes.



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