Dynamically Vulcanized PP/EPDM Blends:Effects of Different Types of Peroxides on the Properties

  • Naskar, K. (Dutch Polymer institute (DPI) University of Twente, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Dept. of Rubber Technology) ;
  • Noordermeer, J.W.M. (Dutch Polymer institute (DPI) University of Twente, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Dept. of Rubber Technology)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.30


Thermoplastic vulcanizates (TPV) or dynamic vulcanizates are thermoplastic elastomers produced by simultaneous mixing and crosslinking of a rubber and a thermoplastic. The objective of the present work is to investigate the effects of different types of peroxides as curing agents on the properties of PP/EPDM TPVs. The mechanical properties change significantly with the chemical nature of the peroxides and the extent of crosslinking at a fixed PP/EPDM blend ratio. The tensile strength of the TPVs obtained with the various peroxides can be related to the solubility parameters of the polymers and of the peroxides. The Young's modulus of the peroxide-cured TPVs can be correlated with the delta torque values of equivalent thermoset EPDM vulcanizates, corresponding to the crosslinking efficiencies of the peroxides.



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