한국어 연파찰음의 조음위치에 관한 연구

On the Place of Articulation of the Korean Lenis Affricate

  • 백운일 (한양대학교 영어영문학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


An EPG study was conducted to examine the place of articulation of Korean lenis affricate /c/. Results indicated that the place of articulation of the stop portion /t/ of /c/ was shifted to the place of articulation of the fricative portion /s/ of /c/. Also, we found that the shifting in the place of articulation occurred because of the gap of the place of articulation between /t/ and /s/ (two portions of /c/). From this study, we proposed that the /e/ is articulated at the same place of articulation of /s/ both for its stop portion and its fricative portion. Also, we observed that the place of articulation of /t/ is articulated farther front than that of /s/ and /c/.
