Building an Exceptional Pronunciation Dictionary For Korean Automatic Pronunciation Generator

한국어 자동 발음열 생성을 위한 예외발음사전 구축

  • Kim, Sun-Hee (Speech Information Technology Research Center)
  • 김선희 (광운대학교 음성처리기술연구센터)
  • Published : 2003.12.01


This paper presents a method of building an exceptional pronunciation dictionary for Korean automatic pronunciation generator. An automatic pronunciation generator is an essential element of speech recognition system and a TTS (Text-To-Speech) system. It is composed of a part of regular rules and an exceptional pronunciation dictionary. The exceptional pronunciation dictionary is created by extracting the words which have exceptional pronunciations from text corpus based on the characteristics of the words of exceptional pronunciation through phonological research and text analysis. Thus, the method contributes to improve performance of Korean automatic pronunciation generator as well as the performance of speech recognition system and TTS system.
