녹음 환경의 차이에 따른 화자의 음원 특성 비교: 발성유형지수 k를 중심으로

Comparison of Speaker's Source Characteristics in Different Recording Environments by Using Phonation Type Index k

  • 이후동 (서경대학교 컴퓨터과학과) ;
  • 강선미 (서경대학교 컴퓨터과학과) ;
  • 박한상 (대구한의대학교 국제어문학부) ;
  • 장문수 (서경대학교 소프트웨어학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.09.01


Spoken sound includes not only speaker's source but the characteristics of vocal tract and speech radiation. This paper is based on the theory of Park[1], who proposes the Phonation Type Index k; a variable that shows the characteristic of speaker's source excluding those of speaker's vocal tract and speech radiation. With Park's theory, we collect data by changing recording environments and expanding experimental data, and analyze the data collected to see whether or not the PTI k shows good discriminating power as a variable for speaker recognition. In the experiment, we repeatedly record 8 sentences ten times for each of 5 males in the environment of a recording room and an office, extract PTI k for each speaker, and measure the discriminating power for each speaker by using the value of PTI k. The result shows that PTI k has the excellent discriminating power of speakers. We also confirm that, even if the recording environment is changed, PTI k shows similar results.
