A Comparison of EEG Response between TV Advertisements focused on Information Transfer and Emotional Reaction

정보전달형 TV광고와 감성유발형 TV광고의 뇌파반응 비교

  • Published : 2003.11.30


This study has investigated psychological responses to various TV advertisements by using EEG(electroencephalogram). In particular, it was assumed that the brain wave would show different patterns depending upon the style of the advertisement that could be categorized into two such as 'information transfer' type and 'emotional reaction' type. Ten healthy males participated in the experiment. EEG signal was extracted from six lobes such as right and left frontal, right and left occipital, right and left temporal while the subjects were watching TV advertisements. Alpha and beta relative power spectrum, and beta/alpha parameter were calculated to compare two kinds of advertisement each other. Additionally, subjective questionnaire was used to examine subject's response by using adjective words and preference test. In result, significant differences were found in left frontal and right occipital lobe in terms of beta/alpha between two different advertisements. And, subjects showed different preference between two advertisements. It was shown that the current method could analyze the brain reaction to advertisement quantitatively, that presented the possibility of using it to marketing research.



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