신기성 욕구수준에 따른 해외여행동기 차이에 관한 연구

Study on Level of Novelty Seeking Need and Oversea Travel Motivators

  • 박신자 (경희대학교 호텔관광대학 호텔경영학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


Travel motivations appear particularly useful in describing those individuals who visit a specific travel attraction versus those who do not visit the attraction. Novelty seeking is an important motivator for traveling today. In this study four factors and three groups resulting from a cluster analysis were tested in determination for 13 preference and 21 motivators. The major finding of this study are as follows: Prior consideration in oversea travel for people is to expect to contact new culture and exotic environment. In the selection of oversea travel with the level of novelty seeking traits, rhere is meaningfull diffrences. In the novelty seeking levels of leisure activities remarkable difference appeared in the selective degree variables and the examination of the gap. In the selection of oversea with the novelty seeking level it displayed meaningful differences in the 10 items. In a travel in accordance with levels of novelty seeking- which is divided into groups high, medial, and, low level of novelty seeking groups- four elements of their levels demonstrated meaningful differences, such as adventure seeking type, out-of-ordinary life type, fun seeking type and free travel type. In order words, the means of high-concerned group, medial, and ldw-concerned group showed remarkable differemndes.
