Seasonal Dynamics of Marine Benthic Communities in Intertidal Zone of Gwangyang Bay, Southern Coast of Korea

  • Yoo, Jong-Su (Research Institute of Marine Science and Technology Korea Maritime University)
  • 발행 : 2003.12.31


Species composition and community structure of marine benthic community were studied in the intertidal zone of Jijindo Island, Gwangyang Bay. A total of 85 species of benthic marine plants including the 5 Cyanophyta, 9 Chlorophyta, 13 Phaeophyta, 56 Rhodophyta and 2 Magnoliophyta that were listed. The community structure was represented by Gelidium divaricatum in the upper zone, Celidium divalicatum and Ulva pertusa in the middle, and Ulva pertusa, Chondria crassicaulis, Chondracanthus intermedia and Sargassum thunbergii in the lower intertidal zone. The dominant species in the rnscro-zoobenthic community were Chthamalux challengeri in the upper and middle, Littorina brevicula between the upper and middle, and Mytilus edulis and Crassostrea gigas in the middle and lower intertidal zones. The economic benthic organisms such as Undaria pinnatifida, Mytilus edulis, and Crassostrea gigas found in the lower intertidal zone were frequently disturbed due to their collection by local resident. Therefore, it is necessary to record the correct information pertaining to these cases. The species diversity indices estimated kom different sources were quite different. They were 2.22 derived from frequency, 1.67 based on coverage, 2.17 based on sum of frequency and coverage and 2.04 derived from importance value. Species diversity and number of algal species in Gwangyang Bay have noticeably decreased, compared with their previously reported status. It is estimated that their decreases were caused by changes in the marine environment, especially pertaining to the polychaete community resulting from reclamation and dredging activity undertaken for the industrial development.



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