Sustainable Utilization and Management Scheme in Wangdol-cho Surrounding Sea Area

동해 왕돌초 어장의 지속적 이용 및 관리 방안

  • 이광남 (한국수산회 수산정책연구소) ;
  • 명정구 (한국해양연구원 해양자원연구본부)
  • Published : 2003.09.30


The fishing ground surrounding Wangdol-cho is not only overexploited by the littering of dilapidated fishing net and equipment, but also by fishermen's overfishing, surpassing optimum fisheries resources. In addition, increasing fishing efforts (number of fishing vessel and fishing net, etc) contribute to the deterioration of fishing ground, and it is urgently required that schemes to tackle the problems should be taken. To effectively address the problems as such, this paper aims to propose sustainable utilization and management scheme of fishing ground through classification of fishing ground surrounding Wangdol-cho as one area which is less than 50m deep, measuring $13.66km^2$ and the other, permission fishing area of Gill Net fishery, measuring $347.23km^2$. The analysis shows that, for the water area less than 50m deep, implementation from a short-term perspective includes autonomous management fishery by gill net and trap fishery. For the permission fishing area of Gill Net fishery, implementation includes limit on fishing period, real name system of fishing equipment and limit on fishing equipment. Implementation from a medium and long-term perspective includes limit on scuba diving, designation of underwater sightseeing zone, sea farming, facilities of surveillance, adoption of approval system for the permission fishing area of Gill Net fishery and introduction of report system for fishing.



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