북극 스발바드섬 Kongsfjorden의 해양 환경 및 식물플랑크톤 모니터링 연구

Monitoring on the Marine Environment and Phytoplankton of Kongsfjorden, Svalbard, Arctic

  • 강성호 (한국해양연구원 극지연구본부) ;
  • 김예동 (한국해양연구원 극지연구본부) ;
  • 강재신 (한국해양연구원 극지연구본부) ;
  • 유규철 (한국해양연구원 극지연구본부) ;
  • 윤호일 (한국해양연구원 극지연구본부) ;
  • 이원철 (한양대학교 자연과학대학 생명과학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.30


Kongsfjorden near Korean Arctic Station, Dasan, is a glacial fjord in the Svalbard archipelago, Arctic that is influenced by both Atlantic and Arctic water masses. During the Arctic field season August 2002, surface temperature, salinity, density, and phytoplankton biomass (chi a) was measured in Kongsfjorden. A total of 15 surface samples were collected for the phytoplankton related measurements. Chl a values ranged from 0.08 to 1.4mg chi a $m^{-3}$ (mean of 0.53mg chl a $m^{-3}$) in the overall surface stations. The highest values of the chi a concentrations (> 1.0mg chi a $m^{-3}$) were found near glacier in the northeastern part of Kongsfjorden. Nanoplanktonic (< $20{\mu}m$) phytoflagellates were important contributors for the increase of the chi a. The nano-sized phytoflagellates accounted for more than 90% of the total chi a biomass in the study area. Surface temperatures and salinities ranged from 2.5 to $7.18^{\circ}C$ (mean of $4.65^{\circ}C$) and from 22.55 to 32.97 psu (mean of 30.16 psu), respectively. The physical factors were not highly correlated with phytoplankton distribution. The character of surface water due to down-fjord wind was highly similar to phytoplankton distribution. Drifting ice, freshwater, and semdiment inputs from large tidal glaciers located in the inner part of Konsfjorden create steep physico- and biogeochemical environmental gradients along the length of this ford. The glacial inputs cause reduced biodiversity biomass and productivity in the pelagic community in the inner fjord. Primary production of benthic and pelagic microalgae is reduced due to the limited light levels in the turbid and mixed inner waters. The magnitude of glacial effects diminishes towards the outer fjord. Kongsfjorden is an important feeding ground fer marine mammals and seabirds. Especially, seabirds play the largest energy intake and also export nutrients for primary production of the marine microalgae. Kongsfjorden has received a lot of research attention as a site for exploring the impacts of climate changes. Dasan Station in Kongsfjorden will be an important Arctic site for monitoring and detecting future environmental changes.



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피인용 문헌

  1. Production of mycosporine-like amino acids of in situ phytoplankton community in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard, Arctic vol.114, 2012,
  2. Diversity of hard-bottom fauna relative to environmental gradients in Kongsfjorden, Svalbard vol.32, pp.1, 2013,
  3. Macroalgal Flora of Kongsfjorden in Svalbard Islands, the Arctic vol.25, pp.4, 2003,
  4. Metal accumulation in sea urchins and their kelp diet in an Arctic fjord (Kongsfjorden, Svalbard) vol.58, pp.10, 2009,
  5. List of Korean Names for the Vascular Plants in Spitsbergen Island, in the Arctic Region vol.34, pp.1, 2012,