Four Weeks Repeated Toxicity Study of 2-o-Benzoylcinnamaldehyde(CB-PH) by Oral Administration in Sprague-Dawley Rats

랫드에서 계피유래활성물질(CB-PH)의 경구투여에 의한 4주간 반복투여독성 시험

  • Published : 2003.12.01


Although 'Cinnamon' has been widely used for the food and biophamacy in the world, it's toxicity was not screened completely. Major component of 'cinnamon' is CB-OH and CB-PH. CB-PH has been reported to have antimutagenic effect. To investigate the toxicity of 2-o-Benzoylcinnama-Idehyde (CB-PH), repeated dose (4 weeks) oral toxicity test performed in SD rats. Results of repeated dose oral toxicity tests for 4 weeks (CB-PH; 500, 1000, 2000 mg/kg/day) suggested that the CB-PH treated group showed no significant toxicological findings with body weights, organ weights, hematological and histopathological findings. Therefore, these data indicated that the maximum tolerated dose of CB-PH was 2000 mg above/kg/day in the rats.



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