In vivo Evaluation of Resistance of Grape Varieties to Crown Gall Disease

  • 발행 : 2003.10.01


The resistance to crown gall in grape rootstocks was evaluated by inoculating cuttings from 27 grape rootstock varieties with Agrobacterium vitis strain Cheonan 493. Thmors were formed in all varieties of grape rootstocks tested in this study. The symptoms were observed in the stems of all plants tested including '196-17' and '41B'. Based on the measurement of tumor weight on the stems of grape rootstocks, '779P' was found to be higbly susceptible to crown gall. While some varieties such as 'Gloire', '140R', '101-14M', '3309C', and '333EM' were found to be relatively resistance to crown gall. Varieties such as '99R', '1447P', 'Rupestris du lot', 'll0R', 'Freedom', and '41B' were also found to be susceptibl~ to crown gall. Other~ varieties including 'l103P', 'Teleki. 5C', '420A', 'Golia', and '5BB' were found to be moderately susceptible.



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