Radiographic and Ultrasonographic Diagnosis of Single Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt in a Dog

개의 단순 간내성 간문맥전신단락증의 영상진단학 및 치료 1예

  • 전혜영 (서울대학교 수의과대학) ;
  • 장동우 (서울대학교 수의과대학)
  • Published : 2003.12.01


A 4-month-old 5.7 kg male Golden retriever with history of seizure, depression, lethargy and anorexia was referred to Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital, Chungbuk National University. Hematologic examination revealed microcytosis and nonregenerative anemia. Serum chemical values showed increased serum ammonia (423 $\mu$mol/L), ALP (1101 U/L), r-GTP (13.9 U/L) and CPK (1454 U/L), and decreased total protein (4.9 g/dl) and BUN (1.6 mg/dl). Microhepatia was shown in survey abdominal radiographs. Color doppler ultrasonographic examination revealed dilated tortuous vein with turbulent flow within liver parenchyma. Intraoperative jejunoportography and intraoperative ultrasonography confirmed the location and size of single intrahepatic shunt vessel in the left medial liver lobe. Also, the anomalous vessel entering the caudal vena cava was identified beneath the diaphragm. The shunting vessel was ligated with using an Ameroid constrictor. General conditions, hematologic and serum chemical values resolved gradually after surgery. One month after surgery abdominal radiograph showed normal gastric axis and it was consistent whit the normal size liver. Normal echogenecity of liver and enlargement of portal vein were shown in ultrasonography. It is assumed that survey radiography and ultrasonography are useful for diagnosis of single intrahepatic shunt in a dog and especially jejunoportography vein portography and intraoperative ultrasonography are suitable for confirmation of the anatomic location and size of the shunting vessels.



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