Methods of Recycling Soil Washing Wastewater for Volume Reduction

토양세척폐액 부피감소를 위한 재생방법 연구

  • 김계남 (한국원자력연구소 폐기물처리기술개발팀) ;
  • 원휘준 (한국원자력연구소 폐기물처리기술개발팀) ;
  • 오원진 (한국원자력연구소 폐기물처리기술개발팀)
  • Published : 2003.03.01


The sorption experiment of cobalt was performed after the TRIGA soil was intentionally contaminated with cobalt was found that the sorption equilibrium coeficiency of soil decontamination was high when the ratio of soil mass to the volume of citric acid becomes 1:5 The TRIGA soil contaminated with 0.01 M, 0.001 M, and 0.0001 M of cobalt solution were decontaiminated with 0.01 M citric acid. The cobalt concentrtion in the wastewater were measured to be correspondingly 36.0, 14.0, 1.5 ppm. The results of wastewater recycling experiment by chemical precipitation method revealed that corresponding cobalt removal efficiency were 97% 88%. It was shown that the removal efficiency decreases as the cobalt concentration in the wastewater decreases. During the decontamination experiment, a lot of NaOH had to be added, and the volume of final solid waste reached almost 10% of that of the contaminated soil. The result of wastewater recyling experiment by ion exchange resin meted rethod revealed that to more the strong acid resins are used, the higher the cobalt removal efficiency becomes and the cobalt removal efficiency becomes and the lower the pH of recycling wastewater become. In order to obtain more than 95% removal efficiency, more than 0.625 g of strong acid resin was necessary in each of 3 experiments. There was an unexpected problem that a lot of strong acid resin waste was produced which amounts to 9.2% (volume) of the contaminated soil.

TRIGA원자로 주변 토양을 인공적으로 오염시킬 때, 오염용액 내의 코발트농도가 작아짐에 따라 코발트의 흡착평형 계수는 증가했고, 이 오염토양 질량 대 Citrc acid용액 부피 비율률 1:5로 하였을 때 토양제염효율이 높았다. 0.01M, 0.01M, 0.0001M코발트용액으로 오염된 TRIGA토양을 0.01M Citric acid로 Washing한 후의 토양세척액의 코발트 농도는 각각 136.0, 14.0, 1.5 ppm이었다. 화학침전법에 의해 토양세척폐액 내의 코발트농도가 낮아질수록 제거율은 저하했다. 그러나 다량의 NaOH가 첨가되어야 하고 최종침전폐기물의 부피가 오염토양부피의 약 10%정도나 되었다. 이온교환수지법에 의한 재생실험결과 강산성수지를 많이 넣을수록 코발트제염 효율은 증가했고 pH는 감소했다. 코발트농도가 다른 세 종류의 토양세척폐액에 강산성수지를 넣고 흡착실험을 한 결과 일정한 코발트 제거효율을 얻기 위해 필요한 강산성수지의 질량은 모두 거의 일정했다. 즉, 95%이상의 제거효율을 얻기 위해 0.625 g 이상의 강산성수지가 필요했다. 한편, 토양부피의 약9.2%의 다량의 강산성수지 폐기물이 발생하는 것이 문제점이다.



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