Factors Influencing Care Dependency in Patients with Dementia

치매환자의 간호의존도 영향요인

  • Published : 2003.10.01


Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore factors that influence care dependency of institutionalized patients with dementia. Method: This study utilized descriptive correlational design. The convenience sample was composed of 110 residents with dementia of two long-term care facilities in Korea. Stepwise multiple regression was used to identify significant factors influencing care dependency in patients with dementia. Care dependency was measured using the Care Dependency Scale, Korean version(CDS-K). Cognition was measured by the MMSE-K. Functional disability was measured by the PULSES Profile. Behavioral dysfunction was measured by the modified E-BEHAVE AD. Result: Care dependency was significantly influenced by cognition, functional disability, behavioral dysfunction, and duration of dementia. This regression model explained 61 % of the variances in care dependency. Cognition explained 37% of the variances, and functional disability explained 21% of the variances. Conclusion: Results of this study suggest that professional caregivers intervene more effectively in caring for their patients with dementia by recognizing the patients cognitive, functional, behavioral disability, and its periodic change. Individually, remaining abilities-focused intervention should be applied to enhance patient to be dependent and to prevent unnecessary independency.



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