A Development Plan for High Speed Container Carriers System to Attain the Logistic Hub-Center on the Far-Eastern Pacific

동북아 물류중심국가를 향한 초고속 해상수송체계 구축연구

  • Published : 2003.12.01


A strategic planning to attain a Marine Logistic Transportation Center on the Far-Eastern Pacific is investigated and is being reviewed at the NTRM Vision IV. Utilizing high speed super-sized container carriers, 15,000TEU and 35knots, between the two hub-ports, a western coast city of the United States and Kwangyang/Busan of South Korea, are motivated by now highly successful shipbuilding and maritime industries. SMART, 330MW thermal power plant under planning, will greatly expedite the transfer of cargoes across the Pacific. A sizable effort is required to achieve the goal, but the reward will also be very great, technically, economically, socially and geo-politically.



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  2. 대한조선학회지 v.32 no.4 21세기를 대비한 초고속 해상수송 체계 개발 김훈철;장석;양승일;강창구;고창두
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  6. NMN 엔지니어링(비공개 정책자료) 동북아중심 역할 완성을 위한 물류 핵심기술 개발 김훈철
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  12. A Business Summary for Fastship Atlantic
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  14. (가칭)원자력투자회사법(안) 작성중 및 원자력안전정보공개법(안)
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  17. Peter: China and The Global Economy-National Champions, Industrial Policy and the Big Business Revolution Nolan
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