A Study on the Strength Properties and the Temperature Hysteresis of Winter Concrete according to the difference of Curing Method in Mock-up Test

실물대시험에서의 양생방법 차이에 따른 한중콘크리트의 온도이력 및 강도특성에 관한 연구

  • 원철 (청주대학교 대학원) ;
  • 한천구 (청주대학교 건축공학과)
  • Published : 2003.12.01


This study is to investigate the temperature hysteresis and development of compressive strength due to the curing conditions and to evaluate the optimum curing condition of test specimens showing the same development of strength to that of real structures in cold weather. The results of temperature curve with curing conditions in mock-up tests showed the trend of decrease plain concrete with insulation form, plain concrete with heating, concrete with accelerator for freeze protection, and control concrete in turn. The strength development of plain concrete of inside and outside of shelter showed the very slow strength gains due to early freezing, but that of concrete with accelerator for freeze protection showed the gradual increase of strength with time. From this, it is clear that accelerator for freeze protection has the effects of refusing the freezing temperature and accelerating the hardening under low temperature. Strength test results of small specimens embedded in members and located in insulation boxes at the site are similar to that of cores drilled from the members at the same ages, thus it is clear that these curing methods are effective for evaluating in-place concrete strength



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