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- The Family Adams,B.N.
- Social Forces & Aging(7th) Family, Friend and Social Support Atchley,R.C.
- Depression in Marriage Beach,S.R.H.;Sandeem,E.E.;O'Leary,K.D.
- Treatment of Depression: Old Controversies and New Approaches Cognitive therapy of depression: New perspectives Beck,A.T.;P.J.Clayton(ed.);J.E.Barett(ed.)
- Perspectives on marital interaction Dysfunctional interaction patterns in couples Christensen,A.;P.Noller(ed.);M.A.Fitzpatrick(ed.)
- Gender Issues in Contemporary Society Gender differences in marital conflict: The demand - withdraw interaction pattern Christensen,A.;Heavey,C.L.;S.Oskamp(ed.);M.Costanzo(ed.)
- Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology v.59 Commuication, conflict, and psychological distance in nondistressed, clinical, and divorcing couples Christensen,A.;Shenk,J.L.
- Communication Pattern Questionnaire Christen,A.;Sullaway,M.
- Wellbeing Clinebell,H.J.
- Marital commuication and its relation to self-esteem doctoral dissertation Dillon,J.L.
- Family communication: cohesion and change(2nd ed.) Galvin,K.M.;Brommel,B.J.
- Journal of Marriage and the Family v.38 Marital communication & social class Haukins,J.A.;Weisberg,C.;Ray,D.W.
- Journal of Marriage and the Family v.50 no.1 Leisure-activity patterns and marital satisfaction: A further test Holman,T.B.
- Marital Therapy: Stategies based on social learning and behavior exchange principles Jacobson,N.;Margolin,G.
- Journal of Clinical Psychology v.42 no.1 Mental health in marriage: The roles of need for affiliation, sensitivity to rejection, and other factors Moffit,P.;Spence,N.;Goldney,R.
- Journal of Marriage and the Family v.52 no.4 Marital communication in the eighties Noller,P.;Fitzpatrick,M.A.
- Journal of marriage and the Family v.36 The marital satisfaction scale: Development of a measure for intervention research Roach,A.J.;Frazier,L.P.;Bowen,S.R.
- Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment v.16 The Personal Style Inventory: Preliminary validation studies of new measure of sociotropy and autonomy Bobin,C.J.;Ladd,J.;Welkowitz,J.;Blaney,P.H.;Diaz.,R.;Kutcher.,G.
- Journal of Marriage and the Family v.32 no.1 Marital satisfaction over the family life cycle Rollings,B.D.;Feldman,H.
- Conceiving the Self Rosenberg,M.
- People making Satir,V.
- The relationship among communication style, self-esteem, and the couple communication of married coupled doctoral dissertation Schwartz,R.C.