응집제와 정전기 수처리장치에 의한 산업폐수의 비교처리법에 관한 연구

Study for the comparative treatment method of industrial wastewater using coagulant and H.V.G

  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


For studying out the method of the effective purification of waste waters such as dying, paper pulp and plating wastewater, we measured the COD removal efficiency, color and turbidity of those pollutants by the physical and chemical method using the Inorganic Coagulating Agent (CM, RM) and a High Voltage Generator. The COD removal efficiency measured when applying the Inorganic Coagulating Agent (CM, RM) was mush higher than that using the Existing Coagulating Agent In addition to, when using those two methods above mentioned at the same time, both the COD removal efficiency and the reduction-effect of the inserting quantities of Coagulating Agent were higher than those were used singly. The system using both an Inorganic Coagulating Agent and a High Voltage Generator will be useful in various fields of wastewater treatment.



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