A Role of Neutrophils in Anti-Candida Monoclonal Antibody Protection Against Vaginal Infection due to Candida albicans

캔디다질염에 효과가 있는 단항체에 대한 호중구의 역할

  • 한용문 (동덕여자대학교 약학대학)
  • Published : 2003.06.01


As previously reported, an immunoglobulin M (IgM) monoclonal antibody (MAb) B6.1, specific for a cell wall B-l,2-mannotriose, was protective against vaginal infection due to Candida albicans when mice were treated with the antibody. In this study, the role of neutrophil was examined in the protective effect of MAb B6.1 against vaginal infection. To deplete neutrophils, mice were given intravenously rat anti-mouse neutrophile MAb RB6-8C5 prior to intraperitoneal administration of MAb B6.1 to these mice. The mice were examined for antibody in their reproductive tract. By an ELISA, MAb B6.1 was found in the vaginal homogenates, but no antibody was detected in vaginal lavage materials. The neutropenia was induced by a single dose of the anti-neutrophil antibody, but lymphocytes were also partially depleted. The protective effect of MAb B6.1 was decreased when mice pretreated with MAb RB6-8C5 were given the anti-Candida antibody before challenge with C. albicans yeast cells intravaginally. These results show that neutrophils are involved in the MAb B6.1 protection against Candida vaginal infection.



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