- 한국약품식물자원도감 육창수
- 현대 본초학 육창수
Pharm, Bull.
Studies on the saponins of ginseng. I. Structure of ginsenoside-
$R_0$ ,$R_1$ ,$R_2$ and$R_c$ ,$R_d$ Sanata, S.;Kondo, N.;Shoji, J.;Tanaka, O.;Shibata, S. - Yakugaku Zasshi. v.107 Chemical studies in crude drug processing. V. On the constituents of ginseng and red ginseng radox ribra (2): Comparison of the constityents of white ginseng and red ginseng prepared from the same Panax ginseng root Kitagawa, I.;Taniyama, T.;Shibuya, H.;Nota, T.;Yoshikawa, M.
- J. Pharm, Dyn. v.4 Effects of hypoglycemic components in Ginseng radix on blood insulin level in alloxan diabetic mice and on insulin release from perfused rat pancreas Kimura, M.;Waki, L.;Chujo, T.;Kikuchi, T.;Hiyama, C.;Yamazaki, K.;Tanaka, O.
- Chem. Pharm. Bull. v.33 Studies on the mechanism of the hypoglycemic activity of ginsenosideRb₂in streptozotocin-diabetic rats Yokozawa, Kobayashi, T.;Oura, H.;Kawashima, Y.
- 약학회지 v.29 인삼 담백질의 방사선 방어작용 김춘미;한규선
- 화한약백과도감 난파항웅
- 고려인삼학회지 v.20 고려인삼의 화학성분에 관한 고찰 박종대
- Panata Medica v.61 Reversal of daunomycin and vinblastine resistance in multidrug-resistant P338 leukemia in vitro through enhanced cytotoxicity by triterpenoids Hasegawa, H.;Sung, J. H.;Matsumiya, S.;Uchiyama, M.;Inouye, Y.;Kasai, R.;Yamasaki, K.
- 생약학회지 v.26 사람의 장내세균에 의한 인삼 사포닌의 대사 성종환;장곡천수부;송궁지지;내산이수;하주영;이문순;허재두
- Planta Medica v.62 Main Ginseng saponin metabolites fromed by intenal bacteria Hasegawa, H.;Sung, J. H.;Matsumiya, S.;Uchiyama, M.
- 생약학회지 v.28 사람의 장내세군에 의하 사포닌의 대사 (제2보) 성종환;장곡천수부;하주영;박세호;송궁지지;내산아수;허재두
- Journal of Traditional Medicines v.14 Metabolixm of Ginseng saponins by human intestinal bacteria, and isolation and identification of bacteria associated with the metabolism Hasegawa, H.;Sung, J. H.;Matsumiya, S.;Unchiyama, M.
- Journal of Traditional Medicines v.14 Pharmacodynamic analysis of Ginseng saponin metabolites formed by human intestinal bacteria Hasegawa, H.;Sung, J. H.;Matsumiya, S.;Unchiyama, M.
- Archives of Pharmacal Research v.20 Ginseng intestinal bacterial metabolite IH901 as a new anti-metastatic agent Hasegawa, H.;Sung, J. H.;Huh', J. D.
- Planta Medica v.64 In vitro antigenotoxic of novel Ginseng sapoin metabolites fromed by intestinal bacteria Lee, B. H.;Lee, S. J.;Hui, J. H.;Lee, S. J.;Moon, C. K.
- Cancer Letters v.144 Antitumor activity of a novel ginseng saponin metabolite in human pulmonary adenodcarcinoma cells resistant to cisplatin Lee, S. J.;Sung, J. H.;Lee, S. J.;Moon. C. K.;Lee, B. H.
- Journal of Traditional Medicines v.17 An intestinal bacterial metabolite (MI) of ginseng protopanaxadiol saponins inhibits tumor-induced noevascularization Suda, K.;Murakami, K.;Murata, J.;Haswgawa, H.;Saiki, I.
- Biochemical Pharmacology v.60 Induction of apoptosis by a novel intestinal metabolite of Ginseng sponin via cytochrome cmediated activation of caspase-3 protease Lee, S. J.;Ko, W. G.;Kim, J. H.;Sung, J. H.;Lee, S. J.;Moon, C. K.;Lee, B. H.
- Diabetes Res. Clin. Pract v.99 Piogletazone prevents mice from multiple low-does streptozotocin-induced insulitis and diabetes Takamura, T.;Ando, H.;Nagai, Y.
- 약학논총 v.7 인삼류생약의 항당뇨에 관한 비교연구 (인삼류 엑스가 Streptozotocin 유발 고혈당 흰쥐에 미치는 영향 고성권;황완균;김일혁
- 中葯大辭典 岡漁新醫學員