벼 등숙기 엽노화의 품종간 차이 및 수량과의 관계

Genotypic Difference in Leaf Senescence during Grain Filling and Its Relation to Grain Yield of Rice

  • 이변우 (서울대학교 농업생명과학대학 식물생산과학부) ;
  • 박재홍 (서울대학교 농업생명과학대학 식물생산과학부)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


This study was conducted to investigate the varietal differences in leaf senescence during ripening stage and its relation to grain yield of rice. During grain filling period leaf senescence was evaluated by SPAD readings (an indirect indicator of chlorophyll content) for 74 varieties including local, improved domestic, and introduced varieties in the field condition. Leaf senescence was varied greatly among 74 varieties. Jodongji and Dadajo known as local rice varieties had significantly lower SPAD value than the other varieties and became senescent rapidly. However, SPAD value of the flag leaf and 2nd leaf of SNU-SG1 were much higher than the other varieties and leaves of SNU-SG1 also showed a tendency of delayed senescence compared to the other varieties. There were significantly positive correlation between cumulated SPAD value of upper leaf(flag leaf and 2nd leaf) during 35 days after heading and grain yield divided by sunshine hour during 40 days of grain filling and compensated for temperature effect, and cumulated SPAD value of the 4th leaf showed negative correlation with the yield. That is, the delayed senescence of the upper leaves and the rapid senescence of lower leaves were positively associated with grain yield increase.



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