Herbicidal Activity of $\delta$-aminolevulinic Acid on Several Plants as Affected by Application Methods

  • Chon, Sang-Uk (Biotechnology Industrialization Center, Dongshin University)
  • 발행 : 2003.03.01


Herbicidal activity of $\delta$-aminolevulinic acid(ALA), an intermediate for the biosynthesis of tetrapyrroles such as chlorophyll, heme, bacteriochlorophyll, and vitamin $\textrm{B}_{12}$ analogues, was examined to determine the variation in phytotoxic potential against different plant species as affected by different application methods. Seed-soaking treatment, ALA at low concentrations did not affect shoot and root lengths of test plants while at highest concentration reduced them by 20 to 30%. Alfalfa showed the most tolerant response to ALA in both pre- and post-emergence application, and followed by rice. When applied with pre-emergence, cotyledons of Chinese cabbage were severely bleached with 0.5 mM of ALA at 24 hrs after application, and root growth of rice, barnyard grass, and alfalfa was significantly inhibited with increasing of concentration. With post-emergence application, ALA at 2 to 4 mM reduced shoot and root growths of Chinese cabbage and barnyard grass completely. Herbicidal effects of ALA were more enhanced in the treatment combined with 2,2-dipyridyl sthan single application in barnyard grass and Chinese cabbage. The results suggest that alfalfa was the most tolerant to ALA among the tested plants, and that post-emergence application of ALA exhibited greatest photodynamic activity against tested plants.



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