A Study of the Administrative Tribunal Cases about Violation of Law of Housing Projects

주거건축과 관련된 건축위법행위 행정심판판례 연구

  • Published : 2003.12.01


The purpose of this study was to analyze the architect's Administrative Tribunal cases related to housing projects. We collected the 271 decisions of Administrative Tribunal cases from 1985 to 2001 through the Ministry of Legislation data base. As a conclusion of research, most of cases are caused during design process and supervision of construction which are major roles of architects. We can find out that the number of cases of Administrative Tribunal about housing is 10% more than other types of building. And this situation is more serious in supervision building phase. It proves that housing project has more possibility of violation of law than other types. Because it belong to an economic problems. In Korea, clients of housing project tend to take more profits by taking an illegal acts; like enlargement of a building, construction border violation. illegal construction balcony and so on. And architect who roles to be a supervisor is liable to these problems but he has not much authority and economical benefits. Through this research we can analyze this situation and make know what is problem.



  1. 성결대학교 사회과학연구 논문집 v.3 no.1 우리나라 행정심판에 대한 신,구법 비교연구 김광선
  2. 단국대학교 논문집 v.27집 건축법규와 민원제도에 관한 연구 김영하
  3. 행정절차법 오준근
  4. 건축사 업무정지처분에 대한 공정성과 투명성 확보 윤혁경
  5. 건축법 조례 해설 윤혁경
  6. 건축학회학술대회논문집 주거지역내의 근린생활시설 분포특성에 관한 연구 이동욱(외)
  7. 신행정법론 이상규
  8. 건축학회논문집 계획계 v.18 no.8 건축사 행정처분 관계 법령조사 및 관련자 의식에 관한 연구 이중연
  9. 행정절차법제정연구 홍준형(외2인)
  10. 행정심판 건축관련법령 판례
  11. 건축사법 변천사 대한건축사협회
  12. 건축사 업무 관련법 개선에 관한 연구 대한건축사협회
  13. 통계청 종합통계(STAT)
  14. 법제처 행정심판재결계
  15. 건축사 행정처분 민원처리 자료 서울시 민원 종합정보 시스템