울산시 주택산업활성화를 위한 주택구매예정자의 주거선택행동 예측 I

A Study on the Forecasting of Decision Behavior the Choice of Housing of Potential Purchasers for Housing Industry in Ulsan I

  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


Housing supply ratio in Ulsan area has soared up to 91% recently. Therefore, developing a successful marketing strategy is an essential part of apartment sales success in Ulsan area. The purpose of this study is identifying the status of satisfaction level, moving motivation, the level of housing choosing behavior, and housing needs of the apartments for making a marketing strategy. The survey uses questionnaires which are delivered to the 545 housewives who live in 20 pyoung or 30 pyoung apartment in Ulsan area. The research uses a survey questionnaire for gathering a set of statistically-reasonable number of data among one million population of Ulsan metropolitan area. The frequency test and F-test are used for the analysis of the results. The results of empirical analyses provide the following major findings: 1) housing satisfaction of Buk-ku residents is higher than that of the residents of the other area, 2) neighborhood environment improvement and physical environment improvement are important factors of housing moving motivations, 3) view and lighting are important requirements of the housing, 4) the level of housing choosing efforts are more active in the residents of Joong-ku and Dong-ku than those of Nam-ku and Buk-ku.



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