Flying Laser Spot Scanning을 이용한 사 굵기 측정법

Measurement of Yarn Thickness by the Flying Laser Spot Scanning Method

  • 허유 (경희대학교 기계.산업시스템 공학부) ;
  • 김주용 (숭실대학교 섬유공학부) ;
  • 서문원 (북 캐롤라이나 주립대학교 섬유대학)
  • Huh, You (Faculty of Mechanical and Industrial System Engineering, Kyunghee University) ;
  • Kim, Joo-Yong (Department of Textile Engineering, Soongsil University) ;
  • Suh, Moon-Won (College of Textiles, North Carolina State University)
  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


There are many products made of long and thin shaped materials characterized by their superior flexibility and strength. The original technology required to transform the raw material into linear, planar or even cubic shaped products can be found in textile industry. Especially, the technology concerning manufacturing linear shaped products is used in staple yarn formation, which has a great influence on the efficiency and product quality of the sequential processes. The qualities of the staple yarn are assessed by many factors mainly tested on the basis of the static measurements, i.e., texture, color, surface roughness, etc.. These factors are closely related to the thickness of yarn. In this study, we try to introduce a new measuring method that can indentify the thickness of yarn using a flying spot laser beam. The results show that this system can deliver data in a stable and reproducible way under a constant condition. But the variance of the measured values is dependent on the yarn feed speed, which can be attributed to the dependence of the probabilistic distribution of the measured values on the sampling length interval.



  1. Studies of Quality in Cotton W.L.Balls
  2. J. Text. Inst. v.45 Theory of Drafting and Its Practical Applications P.A.Grishin
  3. J. Text. Inst. v.52 A Mathmatical Model to the Ideal Sliver and Its Application to the Theory of Roller Drafting J.S.Rao
  4. J. Text. Inst. v.53 Theory of Roller Drafting J.S.Rao
  5. J. Text. Inst. v.53 A Cause of Irregularity in Roller Drafting P.Grosberg;P.A.Smith;K.Yoshikawa
  6. Text. Res. J. v.37 The Dynamics of Roller Drafting H.R.Plonsker;S.Backer
  7. Studies in Modern Yarn Production H.Balasubramanian;P.Grosberg;Y.Turkes
  8. J. Text. Inst. v.64 The Dynamic Response of Drafting Tension to Sinusoidal Variations in Draft Ratio under Conditions of Sliver Elasticity in Short-staple Drafting B.Duta;P.Grosberg
  9. J. Text. Inst. v.64 A Pratical Limitation to Feedback Control of Roller-Drafting Systems B.Dutta;P.Grosberg
  10. J. Text. Inst. v.68 The Influence of Cotton-Spinning Machinery of the Random Irregularity of Sliver and Yarns G.Mandl;H.Noebauer
  11. J. Text. Inst. v.72 A Computer Simulation of Drafting N.A.G.Johnson
  12. J. Text. Inst. v.81 Dynamic Measurement of Mechanical Errors in Sliver-drawing P.R.Lord;M.Govindaraj
  13. J. Text. Inst. v.57 Conservation of Mean Level in Autolevelling H.Catling;I.Davies
  14. Melliand Textilber. v.56 Analysis of a Fluted-roller Autoleveller System on Cotton Draw frames S.Schlichter;J.Lunenschoss
  15. J. Text. Inst. v.57 Problems and Possibilities on Sliver Monitoring P.R.Lord
  16. J. Text. Inst. v.83 The Measurement of Sliver Properties on the Drawframe G.Grover;P.R.Lord
  17. Melliand Textilber v.74 Study of the Dynamic Properties of Electro-mechanical Tranducers for Measuring the Linear Density of Textile Slivers S.N.Djiev;L.I.Pavlov
  18. J. Korean Fiber Soc. v.28 A Study on the Application of Individual Motor Drive System on the Roll Drawing Frame G.S.Jeong;Y.Huh
  19. J. Korean Fiber Soc. v.30 Identification of the Dynamic Behavior of Sliver by the Roller Drafting(Ⅰ) Y.Huh;J.L.Woo
  20. J. Korean Fiber Soc. v.37 Effect of Irregularity Control in Drawing Frame, When Delivery Speed Changes Y.Huh;W.S.Kwon;S.H.Jang
  21. Yarn Evenness, Textile Progress K.Slater;W.Harrison(ed.)