Dietary Acculturation in Korean Americans

  • Lee, Soo-Kyung (Department of Nutritional Sciences, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)
  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


With globalization taking place at a rapid speed, more and more people move from one place to another and more people with diverse cultural backgrounds are now living together than ever before. As a result, more people go through the process of acculturation. Dietary acculturation, a part of overall acculturation, is a series of changes that occur in food and nutrient consumption and dietary behaviors. This paper examined dietary acculturation in Korean Americans through a critical literature review. The current diet quality of Korean Americans is fair, and the areas in need of improvement include sodium, calcium, and fiber intakes. Korean Americans had different diet profiles by acculturation status; however, whether dietary acculturation leads to a lower diet quality is not conclusive at this time. This paper also suggests areas that warrant consideration in future research: 1) acculturation measures, 2) dietary measures, 3) possible factors affecting dietary acculturation, 4) health consequences of dietary acculturation, and 5) study design issues. Studying dietary acculturation among immigrants and their offspring is important because it will provide useful insights for designing health and nutrition interventions in both original and new countries. Quality research in dietary acculturation requires collaborations among researchers from different nations because it deals with diverse cultures.



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