물 및 토양 중 유기염소계 농약의 분석

Analysis of the Organochlorine Pesticides in the Water and Soil

  • 김정호 (대구한의대학교 보건환경학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


본 연구에서는 GC-ECD을 이용해서 유기염소계 농약으로 BHC의 이성질체 $\alpha$-BHC, $\beta$-BHC, (equation omitted)-BHC 및 $\delta$-BHC을 분리하고, Kelthane, Orthocide, Endrin와 동시에 분석할 수 있는 복합 분석법을 확립하고자 한다. 상대적 유지시간은 $\alpha$-BHC의 유지시간을 1로 하였을 때 $\beta$-BHC, (equation omitted)-BHC, $\delta$-BHC는 각각 1.18, 1.24, 1.31이었으며, Kelthane, Orthocide, Endrin은 각각 1.56, 1.70, 2.02으로 완전 분리되었다. 단높이(H)는 $\alpha$-BHC, $\beta$-BHC, (equation omitted)-BHC 및 $\delta$-BHC이 각각 50mm, 35mm, 32mm 및 29mm이었으며, Kelthane, Orthocide, Endrin은 각각 81mm, 68mm 및 48mm이었다. 최소검출농도는 $\alpha$-BHC, $\beta$-BHC, (equation omitted)-BHC 및 $\delta$-BHC이 각각 0.26, 0.36, 0.37 및 0.39ng/g이었다. 또한 Kelthane, Orthocide, Endrin도 각각 0.55, 1.39 및 0.56ng/g이었다. 제주시 연안의 토양과 해수 및 저니토에서 BHC의 이성질체 $\alpha$-BHC, $\beta$-BHC, (equction omitted)-BHC와 $\delta$-BHC와 Kelthane, Orthocide, Endrin이 모두 검출되지 않았다. 따라서 남제주도 중문관광단지의 하예동 부근 해양환경은 유기염소계 농약으로 오염되지 않았다.

To obtain the residual organochlorine pesticides in the coastal environment, the methods of analysis for BHC's isomer, Kelthane, Orthocide and Endrin by GC-ECD are surveyed. The relative retention time for ${\alpha}$-BHC, ${\beta}$-BHC, (equation omitted)-BHC and $\delta$-BHC is 1.00, 1.18, 1.24, 1.31 and it's of Kelthane, Orthocide, Endrin is 1.56, 1.70, and 2.02, respectively. The BHC isomers Kelthane, Orthocide and Endrin are separated on the base line. The plate height(H) for ${\alpha}$-BHC, ${\beta}$-BHC, (equction omitted)-BHC and $\delta$-BHC is 50mm, 35mm, 32mm and 29mm, and it's of Kelthane, Orthocide, Endrin is 81mm, 68mm and 48mm, respectively. The qualified defection concentration for ${\alpha}$-BHC, ${\beta}$-BHC, (equation omitted)-BHC and $\delta$-BHC is 0.26, 0.36, 0.37 and 0.39ng/g and it's of Kelthane, Orthocide, Endrin is 0.55, 1.39 and 0.56ng/g, respectively, BHC's isomer, Kelthane, Orthocide and Endrin are not detected in soil environment on South Cheju Island. Also residual organochlorine pesticides are not detected in the sea water and sediment in the ocean environment.



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