경관생태적 측면에서의 도시 에코톱의 분류방법 및 특성분석 - 대구광역시를 사례지로 -

The Analysis of Classification Method and Characteristics of Urban Ecotopes on the Landscape Ecological Aspect - The Case of Metropolitan Daegu -

  • 나정화 (경북대학교 조경학과) ;
  • 이정민 (경북대학교 대학원 조경학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


The purpose of this research was to investigate the characteristics of urban ecotopes and to classify ecotopes systematically from them. Total of 15 characteristics for classification of ecotopes were selected, and there were categorized 3 factors, that is abiotic, biotic and anthropological factors. The ecotope types in the study area were classified into 67. The classification of ecotope was made with SPSS for Windows Version 10.0 on the basis of the 15 characteristics. As the results of cluster analysis using the average linkage method between groups, groups of ecotope type were divided into 15 clusters. It was known that there was not a great difference in an affinity as the result of overlapping the maps of ecotope type and land use type. This research suggested characteristics for classification of ecotopes, but there was a limit to Set the objective method for grade classification because of lacking in the basic data, the research of characteristics will be accomplished continuously.



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