발효소시지의 생산과 미생물적 특성

Production and Microbiological Characteristics of Fermented Sausages

  • ;
  • 이주연 (독일 본 대학 식품가공학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


In this study, significant factors influencing on the quality and stability of fermented sausage, such as materials, processing conditions, and microbiological characteristics as well as topography during ripening, were documented. Since most fermented sausages are not heated during manufacture or before consumption, a strict control of the growth of pathogens and the selection of favourable conditions that encourage the specific growth and development of desirable microflora are particularly important. With respect to microbiological safety, hurdles, i.e., preservations(nitrite), redox potential, competitive flora, acidity(pH), and water activity($a_{w}$) are matters of importance to prevent proliferation of bacterial pathogens. Today, for ensuring the safety and quality of the final product, the application of starter cultures in combination with the proper processing is subsequently used in practice. For improving the efficiency of microbiological utility in the production of fermented sausages, the understanding of their topography is essential. The documented different points must be taken into account when HACCP systems set up for the manufacture of fermented sausages. There are continuous researches concerning desirable improvements to sausage fermentation with health enhancing properties.



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