PL법 실행에 따른 ISO 9001;2000과 KS 및 제품 안전경영(PSM) 통합시스템 구축의 설계에 관한 연구

Research about Integrated System construction design of ISO 9001;2000, KS and Product Safety Management by PL(Product Liability) law practice

  • 발행 : 2003.12.01


PL has been developed centering around England and America. Recently many countries are introducing PL system changing the world a single economic bloc based on the rapid development of Technology and Economy. This paper is studied with related literatures and theses, organizational consulting cases within the framework of the firm as the central operating bodies of PL system. In the past, Some papers about System Integration which was operated as a same Certificate System and enacted in a single organization, was studied and presented. But most of papers was a theoretical study related model and conception. In this situation Government supports PSMS of a single system at government expense to 100­200 companies for improving organizational confrontation ability of PL this year. This paper proposed a design and effect of Integration system model based on the analysis of ISO 9001:2000, KS, PSMS and ISO 14001. The integrated system has the following three distinctions. Firstly, KS is a national establishment, national leading certification and forcing standard. Secondly, ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001 are an international organization's establishment, non­official certification and optional standard. Finally, PSMS isn't a national law and forcing matter. And it isn't the concept of certification but the operational system by itself. Also if a lawsuit by defect is happened, it is very dangerous. This paper, which is integrated by four management systems and has many consulting cases, is the first in this department and is different from others. Also If people has the basic knowledge about management system, they can directly connect it to the organizational system according to this paper's guidance. It is very good result in this study because the law of PL is executed now.



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